Sunday, May 01, 2005

Power Outage

We had a bad thunderstorm last week. Our electricity was knocked out
for three days. My roommate Mike and I had nothing to do, no video
games, and no tv. So, we sat around and read books by candlelight. I
read War and Peace, and Mike read Green Eggs and Ham.

Late into the afternoon on the third day without electricity, the
power came back on. Mike jumps up from the recliner, runs down the
hallway and slams the door behind him as he rushes into the bathroom.
He stays in there for almost an hour. Finally, sweating and pale, he
emerges and sits back in the recliner.

Curious, I asked him, "Man, are you okay? Did you get sick or something?"

He says, "Naw man, I just really had to GO! I've been holding it for
three days!"

"What? Why would you that? You scared to go to the bathroom in the dark?"

"Naw man, you're silly! You know the commode won't flush when the
electricity is out!"

Later that week, Mike went out to a local construction site and stole
one of those port-a-toilets. He took everything out of his closet and
stuck it in there. It was actually a perfect fit. Now he's prepared
for the next power outage.


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