Today is Father's Day. A little over five years ago, I became one of the few, the proud, the oh-so-lucky ones, that become known as Daddy. Yesterday, while I'm checking my email at work, in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico of all places, I received an email with four pictures from my beautiful little daughter, LaRae. Tears sprang into my eyes, stinging, blurring, shouting. Emotions overwhelmed me for several seconds, happiness, adoration, love, and gratitude. One other feeling, I don't guess it qualifies as an emotion, but it sure felt like one, was the overwhelming sense of feeling so very, very lucky.
Lucky to be the proud Father of such a beautiful, loving, caring daughter. Lucky to have the opportunity to spend so much of my life with such an incredible person. I'm amazed that someone came up with a day to celebrate me being a Father, when it should be me celebrating her, not just one day, but every day.
Days like today remind me how great my life as a Dad is, how important my life has become, and how I should always strive to be a better man and a deserving Father.