Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Valentines Day is only five days away!!

Or, I could use another beer. I've heard people say that the chocolate factories and flower conglomerate are the original creators and instigators of the original Valentines Day. Protect the bottom line, right? Create a day where men are almost required to buy their significant other some sort of treat. Or present. Its like a one day sale for a get out of jail free card.

Back in elementary school Valentines Day was different. You would just go to the local supermarket with your parents and pick out a box of valentines featuring your favorite cartoon character. Me, I always got Snow White. .....What? She's hot!

Once you got home, you would get out your list of names from your class. Every name on the list gets a valentine from you. Even the teacher, the awful Mrs. Crabnacker, who unknown to her, in the teachers lounge every afternoon, her colleagues were placing bets on
just how many hairs she could grow out of that mole on her chinny,
chin, chin.

The best part was, your name was on everyone else's list, so you get a bag full of valentines too! I remember I got one from this girl named Sheila. On the front it had a Care Bear, (yellow I think) and it said, "Will you be my valentine?" Inside flap said, "Mine all mine" and then on the right inside flap, little Sheila had written, "i eat my own boogggrs!"

And I was thinking, well you obviously don't eat all of them, you left one right where you awkwardly signed your name---shilje!

I still treasure that moment. It was the first time a female had shown real interest in me. Little Sheila, being so unselfish.

Now I treasure Valentines Day, look forward to it actually. No matter how many times I move and change addresses, its always there. Every year in the mailbox, a valentine from lil' Sheila. Still says the same thing, still shares her DNA.---- Postmarked Angola Prison, mental ward.


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